Why do we give flowers?

Say no to polybags

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Shiny Plastic Packing Paper

We should care for our Environment.

You may ask, “Why”? “Isn’t the government doing enough about it?”

Let me give you one reason……

Environment is something that we all share 365 days a year. We are all affected by all the changes- good or bad, which are taking place around us.

So conservation and preservation of the environment becomes important.

Let us share the information about what we can do to stop any further damage to the environment.

When my son came back from a birthday party today, he showed me the ‘return gift’ that he had received. He tore off the gift wrapping paper and threw it on the floor and started playing the game he had received. What struck me was the sheer wastage of the paper that was now on the floor and would soon find way to the dustbin and then to the municipal bins and then…………

The shiny plastic gift wrapping papers may be convenient to use but are very harmful to the environment.

They are coated with harmful chemicals to give it a shine/colour that eventually damage the environment. How?

Consider this….. The packing paper goes from the municipal bins to landfills and there the harmful chemicals of these papers leach down to lower levels of ground water. This water may be used for drinking or irrigation and will then be harmful to the consumers of that water and to the consumers of the agricultural products obtained from fields where this water is used for irrigation. So what ever we are putting into the environment will come back to us in some form or the other.

Now are you convinced?

Think of how much plastic gift wrapping paper would be ‘misused’ during the festival season.

There are eco friendly options available- Gift wrapping paper that is made of biodegradable paper, newspapers and ribbons………or simply a smile.

Spread the word around.


Nita Arora said...

Hello Mehan!
The information is really good and I think it will definitely create awareness.

Nita Arora

indianvegan said...


You are absolutely right about this. One should try to re-use it even if it comes with you in a gift pack.

Further, one can avoid buying/sending festival gifts/sweets with such type of packing.

I would be happy if you can also through some light on use of Thermocoal Sheets on massive level and it is also very harmful for environment.

Keep it up. Wish you all the best.

Manish Jain

Flowers are the lyrics of Mother Nature

Flowers are the lyrics of Mother Nature
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