Why do we give flowers?

Say no to polybags

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Monday, June 27, 2011



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Meet “Ida”- The new fossil that links Humans with Lemurs

"Ida," the small "missing link" found in Germany has created a big media splash and is likely to continue to make waves among those who study human origins.

Ida is a critical missing-link species in primate evolution.

(Primates is the mammalian order to which humans belong. They are also called Placental Mammals. Primates are generally arboreal mammals with a geographic distribution largely restricted to the Tropics.)

The fossil bridges the evolutionary split between higher primates such as monkeys, apes, and humans and their more distant relatives such as lemurs.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemur)
Ida, properly known as Darwinius masillae, has a unique anatomy. The lemur-like skeleton features primate-like characteristics, including grasping hands, opposable thumbs, clawless digits with nails, and relatively short limbs.
From this time period there are very few fossils, and they tend to be an isolated tooth here or maybe a tailbone there. But in Ida's case, scientists were able to examine fossil evidence of fur and soft tissue and even picked through the remains of her last vegetarian meal: fruits, seeds, and leaves.
To watch the video about this discovery click on the link below:
IDA-the fossil

Monday, December 29, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The E-PIL Approach

Teaching children has never been more challenging. This generation of children have different needs, interest and values. That means our methods and our commitment to understand this generation must be a priority. Inspiration and creativity is vital to keep you on track.
The E-PIL approach makes the Teaching effective and Enjoyble for both students and teacher.
It means - Enjoyment by Participation and Involvement that brings about learning.
Here is a group of students who were asked to write slogans/ inspiring lines about food and food production in India. The photographs depict what they did...... and they enjoyed it. I later realised that this was probably the best way to introduce this chapter. But I am still not satisfied with these ideas.......... I am looking for and thinking of better ones!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

As you sow, so shall you reap………

This ancient proverb is full of wisdom and it has been giving a message to humans since times immemorial. It also reinforces the “Law of Karma” from ‘Gita’.

We are here to talk about the environment. So how is this proverb related to Environment?

The answer is simple….

All the pesticides and other harmful non biodegradable that are being used by humans to kill the so called pests are accumulating on earth and entering our bodies through food, water and air that too is being contaminated.

Consider this---- when you buy fruits and vegetables from the vendor, you never give a second thought to how many chemical fertilizers and pesticides are being used to grow them. These harmful chemicals are non biodegradable and continue to accumulate on earth. Now their quantities have reached dangerously high proportions. What was poisonous for pests would be poisonous for us also when accumulated in lager quantities.

‘The apple that you washed and ate, too, was coated with chemical pesticides’. You may have been pleased with the thought that you washed it, scrubbed it and then ate it…. But where did the chemicals go… in the drain and then to a water body from where it will come back to you as drinking water or through plants that are irrigated with this water.

Go for organic products that are prepared without using harmful chemicals and fertilizers.

Adopt an environment friendly lifestyle….. There is no other sustainable path to a healthy way of living……

Flowers are the lyrics of Mother Nature

Flowers are the lyrics of Mother Nature
Everything on earth dances to Nature's Tune, till man intervenes......

Enviro nuggets

Inspirational Quotes